Acausal, an art installation exhibited at Understudy, Denver November 2021 and University of Northern Colorado, Greeley in March 2022, featured a compilation of coincidence and synchronicity anecdotes. Stories gathered from friends, family and associates could be listened to in the midst of a faux abandoned, derelict living room environment, showcasing artifacts from the stories themselves. Acausal is an invitation to indulge in the phenomenon of coincidence. Coincidence may be described as the chance encounter of two unrelated causal chains which-miraculously, it seems, merge into a significant event. It provides the neatest paradigm of the bisociation of previously separate contexts, engineered by fate, according to Arthur Koestler.
“Coincidence is a pimp and a cardsharper in ordinary fiction but a marvelous artist in the patterns of facts recollected by a non-ordinary memorist.” -Vladimir Nabokov
Listen to the audio stories on Bandcamp